Visit of the students of the Faculty of Science

Visit of the students of the Faculty of Science Home Visit of the students of the Faculty of Science SOTECA It is always a pleasure at SOTECA Electric to receive such motivated students. In this context, our team appreciated the exchange with the students of the 3rd year of the Licence of Science in Physics and Energy, and the discussion around energy efficiency and the transition to renewable energy. SOTECA Electric wishes the students of the Faculty of Science good luck and success in their academic and professional careers. 1 of 7 2 of 7 3 of 7 4 of 7 5 of 7 6 of 7 7 of 7
Visit of ISAAS students

Visit of ISAAS students Home Visit of ISAAS students SOTECA SOTECA Electric had the pleasure to welcome during this week the students of the Professional Master “Energy Economy and Sustainable Development” of the Higher Institute of Business Administration Sfax ISAAS. These were moments of exchange with our dear students around energy efficiency, the improvement of sobriety and the promotion of renewable energies. All the team of SOTECA Electric wishes to the students of ISAAS, a good continuation and a lot of success in their university course and in their professional career. 1 of 8 2 of 8 3 of 8 4 of 8 5 of 8 6 of 8 7 of 8 8 of 8
Visit of IPSAS students

Visit of IPSAS students Home Visit of IPSAS students SOTECA SOTECA Electric had the honour to welcome during this week the students of 1st & 2nd year in electrical engineering of IPSAS Institut Polytechnique privé des Sciences Avancées de Sfax. All the team of SOTECA Electric wishes the students of IPSAS a lot of success in their academic and professional career. 1 of 6 2 of 6 3 of 6 4 of 6 5 of 6 6 of 6
Our participation in the Tunisian-Libyan Exhibition for Development of Industry and Trade

Our participation in the Tunisian-Libyan Exhibition for Development of Industry and Trade Home Our participation in the Tunisian-Libyan Exhibition for Development of Industry and Trade SOTECA Some highlights from the first day of our participation in the Tunisian-Libyan Exhibition for Development of Industry and Trade. The exhibition continues until 18 January 2023. You will find us in stand N°75 of the Misurata International Fair. Welcome to the exhibition. 1 of 5 2 of 5 3 of 5 4 of 5 5 of 5
A visit to the Libyan Ministry of Economy and Trade

A visit to the Libyan Ministry of Economy and Trade Home A visit to the Libyan Ministry of Economy and Trade SOTECA Some extracts from our meeting with the Libyan Minister of Economy and Trade. Within the framework of the visit of a delegation from the Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts UTICA Tunisie to Libya, a working session was held on Monday 26/12/2022 at the headquarters of the Libyan Ministry of Economy and Trade. 1 of 3 2 of 3 3 of 3
Visit of ISET Gabes students

Visit of ISET Gabes students Home Visit of ISET Gabes students SOTECA SOTECA had the honour to welcome the students of 2nd year Master in Electrical Engineering Class 2023 of the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Gabes – ISET Gabes. The entire SOTECA team wishes the students of the ISET a successful academic and professional career. 1 of 9 2 of 9 3 of 9 4 of 9 5 of 9 6 of 9 7 of 9 8 of 9 9 of 9
Polytech-Sfax Entreprise Forum

Polytech-Sfax Entreprise Forum Home Polytech-Sfax Entreprise Forum SOTECA Back to our participation in the Polytech-Sfax Entreprise Forum 2022 edition. It was a pleasure to meet and exchange with the students of IPSAS and also to sign the partnership agreement with the Private Polytechnic Institute of Advanced Sciences of Sfax – IPSAS. 1 of 8 2 of 8 3 of 8 4 of 8 5 of 8 6 of 8 7 of 8 8 of 8
Tunisia Africa Business Meetings 2022

Tunisia Africa Business Meetings 2022 Home Tunisia Africa Business Meetings 2022 SOTECA Our participation in the second edition of the Tunisia Africa Business Meetings – TABM 2022. The programme was really rich with direct B2B with more than 100 economic operators from more than 20 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, a plenary session and networking workshops. 1 of 8 2 of 8 3 of 8 4 of 8 5 of 8 6 of 8 7 of 8 8 of 8
Partnership between SOTECA Electric and Siemens

Partnership between SOTECA Electric and Siemens Home Partnership between SOTECA Electric and Siemens SOTECA A look back at the signing of the partnership between SOTECA Electric and Siemens. SOTECA Electric has officially become a Siemens integrator and distributor. 1 of 8 2 of 8 3 of 8 4 of 8 5 of 8 6 of 8 7 of 8 8 of 8
Open Day – Electrical Engineering Department ENIS

Open Day – Electrical Engineering Department ENIS Home Open Day – Electrical Engineering Department ENIS SOTECA Return in pictures to our participation to the Open Day – Electrical Engineering Department ENIS organized by Electrical Engineering Department – ENIS & L’association Tunisienne des Techniques Numériques at d’Automatique (ATTNA) 1 of 3 2 of 3 3 of 3